FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $100 (Australia wide only & excludes express).


Returns Policy

If you’re looking to return your order please let us know, we can help. We offer returns or exchanges within 14 days of receiving your order. If there is an issue with an item from your order you can return the item to us for a replacement product, a refund via the original payment process, or a store credit. In some cases the cost of return shipping may need to be covered by you. 

Our return and exchange exceptions are as follows:

  • Returned items must not have any signs of use or damage.
  • Only if there is an issue with the item, personalised or discounted items are final and can not be returned or exchanged. 
  • Returned items must be returned in original packaging. 

If you believe your order has been damaged through the postage process please contact us as soon as possible after receiving your order.  We will help and take the necessary steps for lodgment claims involved with Australia Post.